On Demand

Our big lot means space isn't typically a concern. Let us know if you'll need a ride.
You will need to leave your keys as we handle parking it as well as retrieving your vehicle when you return. Rates & Terms
Otay Border Crossing or Tijuana Airport Bridge.
The Otay Border crossing is the easiest and free way to get into Tijuana, cabs are waiting to take you anywhere you'd like. The Airport being just 5 mins away..
The Tijuana Airport Bridge is direct access, with a per person cost.
Our standard passenger vehicle rates start at $13 and are dependent on size.
Commercial vehicle & Trailer rates start at $20. Prices are determined on entry.
We only handle daily Rates, though a stay can be indefinite.
When space is limited, and you'd rather guarantee we can accommodate you.
Completely optional and Non-Refundable. Please allow time for reservations to be accepted and billed when booking. Once paid your spot is secure. Unpaid reservations are cancelled. This cost does not contribute towards parking.
We are a 24/7 Business.
Our fenced in lot counts on constant human surveillance and a strict set of rules.
Our camera system serves as a backup, just in case.
We welcome stays of any length, but require timely payment.
Do not let your ticket go unpaid for longer than 60 days or it may be subject to a Lien.
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